Age or weight reduction causes abdominal skin to sag and may create skin overhang; the abdominal wall becomes weaker by separation of abdominal muscles. Abdominoplasty is a surgical proceedure which removes excess abdominal skin and fat and may also involve work to the abdominal muscles. Abdominoplasty is not used to reduce weight; but ideally is performed only after successful weight reduction has been acheived. Abdominoplasty surgery also achieves excellent results in slim patients who as a result of weakened abdominal muscles, gain loose skin and abdominal stretch marks. Incisisions made during surgery are positioned so that scarring will be covered by underware or swimsuits.
- The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic.
- The procedure can be completed in 3 hours.
- Surgical stitches are absorbable and do not need to be removed.
- We recommend rest for one week after surgery; with full physical load after 6 weeks.
- We recommend an elastic compression underclothes and abdominal belts are worn for 6 weeks.
- To achieve the best aesthetic results, in most cases abdominoplasty is combined with abdominal and hip liposuction treatments.