With age and also as a result of delivering children, the labia minora skin weakens and becomes distended. In some women, this condition is genetically determined. Enlarged labia minora may cause hygiene problems, problems during sexual intercourse and sports and may also have psychological impacts. Labioplasty is surgical proceedure changing the size and shape of the labia by removing excess tissue in this area. Such surgery not performed until the patient has reached at least 18 years old. The effect of Labioplasty surgery is permanent; sensitivity during sexual intercourse on a long-term basis is not reduced.
- Generally, the procedure is performed under general anaesthetic but can be performed also under conscious sedation or local anaesthetic.
- The procedure can be completed in 40 minutes.
- Surgical stitches are absorbable and do not need to be removed.
- We recommend rest for one week after surgery; with full physical load after 3 weeks.
- We recommend increased genital hygiene and sexual abstinence for 3 weeks.