CO2 produces a strong, precisely targeted beam, by which only the treated focus is removed. The procedure is quick, almost painless; the treated region does not bleed; it does not require the subsequent suturing, which is a big advantage when compared to scalpel. It works with the precision to hundredths of a millimetre.
The possibility to use a CO2 laser to remove skin protuberances and some birthmarks is decided by a dermatologist following a diagnostic and dermatoscopy examinations of the given formation. The wound healing process after the birthmark removal is faster, with a substantially smaller risk of the occurrence of small scars and with only minimum skin changes.
- The procedure is minimally painful; in the case of more numerous formations, an anaesthetic cream and with bigger formations injection anaesthesia is applied.
- The small wound after the surgery heals with a small scab, which spontaneously falls off within 5-10 days. After the scab falls off, the treated region remains red for several weeks and gradually gets the skin colour.
- The procedure can be performed throughout the year in cases of formations at places that are not exposed to the sun; formations on the face, neck, décolleté and places exposed to the sun are removed outside sunny periods, while the given region must not be exposed to UV radiation one month before and one month after the surgery. It is recommended to use the SPF 50+ photoprotection after the surgery
Price from: 60 €
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