The term “birthmarks” is understood by many people as harmless – benign – protuberances of the fibroma, seborrheic wart, hemangioma type. However, most important is regular preventive control of melanin, pigmented lesions, which occur right after birth or in the course of life. They may be from light-brown, through brown, dark-brown to black, dark-blue, but also red. They may change during the course of life, while such changes may be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). We monitor their changes, based on the so-called ABCDE criteria (A – asymmetry, B – border, C – colour, D – diameter, E – evolution). For this purpose, tenfold magnification by a manual dermatoscope is used, by means of which the dermatologist monitors suspicious changes and, if necessary, evaluates, whether the lesion requires any further diagnostics. Such dermatoscopic examination monitors the occurrence of malign skin changes of the melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, spinocellular carcinoma. Their early detection and treatment are decisive in terms of the prognosis. This is why the regular skin screening by the dermatoscopic examination of all lesions on the face and body should be part of regular prevention.
- It is recommended to undergo the examination once per year, in regular intervals, at each time before the intensive sunbathing period; in case of changes in the birthmarks, immediately or as recommended by a dermatologist.
- Special attention has to be paid to regions with birthmarks exposed to mechanical irritation.
Price from: € 30
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